Our Faith Values

These faith values represent Southeast Missouri State Chi Alpha’s most deeply held biblical beliefs. They serve to guide our teaching, leadership development, decisions, leadership practices, and community life. All our organizational actions will reflect these theological values.

1. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
The trinity, a beautiful mystery of our faith, is one God yet three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. (Luke 3:21- 22; 2 Corinthians 13:14)

Jesus Christ
We desire to know Jesus Christ, give Him the place of honor, allow His ministry to work through our lives, and make Him known to others. (Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:15-23)

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit reveals God’s truth and guides us in all aspects of life and ministry. He gives us spiritual strengths to worship God and encourage one another. Every person receives the Holy Spirit when they choose to follow Jesus. In addition, God desires every follower of Jesus to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, which is a greater empowerment to share Jesus Christ with others and live more intimately with God. (John 16:13, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 12:3-11, Galatians 5:22-25)

God the Father
God is love. God’s love is the only power that can transform our broken lives and broken world. God desires each of us to accept and know His love. His love empowers us to love others. (John 3:16 – 17, 1 John 4:7-11)

2. The Gospel of Salvation
Sin separates all of us from God. God came to us in human form in Jesus Christ. He died on the cross and rose from the dead to forgive our sins and renew our relationship with God. Jesus’ death was the sacrifice that paid the price for our sins. His resurrection overcame death (separation from God) and by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, we receive new life, which reunites us with God. (John 1:14; Romans 3:23; 5:1-2,6-11; 6:23; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 2:13-14)

3. The Relevance of the Gospel and the Bible
The Bible reveals God’s powerful truth and speaks to our lives today, transcending time and culture. Every person needs the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel message with repentance – a message always shared in genuine love and in the individual’s cultural context. (2 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 9:22)

4. Love
Serving others is the outward reflection of our love for God. We desire to follow Jesus’ example by loving our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:34-40, Luke 22:25-27, Philippians 2:5-8)

5. Prayer
Prayer is communicating with God. Whether by talking or listening, we engage God and learn from Him. Talking individually or together with God releases His power to transform our lives and change the physical and spiritual world around us. Listening to God allows us to hear Him encouraging us, giving us wisdom and revealing himself to us. (1 Samuel 3:7-10, Matthew 6:9-13, James 5:13-16, John 10:3-4)

6. Discipleship
Every follower of Jesus is a minister. God has given every person unique abilities. Intentional leadership development prepares every follower of Jesus for a life of service using their abilities to serve our church family and the world around us. (John 13:13-15, Titus 3:14, Romans 12:3-8, 1Corinthians 12:4- 11, Ephesians 4:11-13)

7. Commitment
Christianity is a lifestyle not a label. Christianity involves all aspects of our lives. We strive for integrity and godly character in order to exemplify Jesus Christ in all we are and all we do. (Deuteronomy 10:12, Matthew 22:37, John 13:34-35, Colossians 3:17, 1Timothy 4:12)

Our Core Values

These core values represent National Chi Alpha’s most deeply held beliefs. They serve to guide our decisions, our leadership practices, and our community life. All our organizational actions will reflect these core values.

1. Community
Community shapes our mission to the university and our priority to come together for biblically commanded action. The salvation of Jesus offers the forgiveness of sins and the incorporation into the people of God. As a collegiate community, we are to be “salt and light” showing to the world what it means to truly love God, oneself, and one’s neighbor.

2. Creativity

God is first revealed in Scripture as a creative God. We value Christian tradition and are open to finding new methods and solutions for the present and the future. His Spirit will release to us new ways, ideas, and plans.

3. Diversity
A diverse community reflects a reconciliation of students to Jesus across all campus social groups. Each student possesses unique gifts, and we seek to encourage their full implementation in the community. We also accept diverse methods and approaches to ministry. We celebrate these unique ministry expressions as the demonstration of what God is doing on our campuses and encourage their effective application.

4. Excellence
Striking performance, exceptional virtue, and continuous improvement exemplify excellence. Excellence goes the “second mile” by doing the best possible job. It calls out of us far more than we can possibly imagine. Excellence guides how we make significant choices. It causes us to discover our true God-given capabilities. Excellence depicts our approach to leadership, work, organization, and our life together.

5. Integrity
Integrity describes the state of sound moral principles. It is characterized by honesty, truthfulness, respect, and sincerity. Integrity in its simplest biblical definition means wholeness or completeness. Integrity invites oneself into a partnership with the Holy Spirit. This fosters an atmosphere of credibility and plausibility among those to whom we minister and within our communities on campus. Integrity promotes long-term success.

6. Servant-leadership
Servant-leadership is a practice that places the good of those led and their progressive maturity over the self-interest of the leader. It shares power and status for the sake of the common good of each individual and the community. Its chief motive is to serve first, as opposed to lead first. The final goal is to empower others rather than oneself.